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Explore Thailand

Flights + Half Board 5* Hotels in Bangkok and Phuket


Transfers & Insurance are included


Kiwitaxi offers fixed prices for all its services, which means customers don't have to worry about unexpected charges. Wide range of vehicles: Kiwitaxi offers a range of vehicles to suit different needs, including sedans, luxury cars, minivans, and buses.


With the WayAway Plus membership plan, travelers get access to premium travel support, travel content prepared by locals, and cashback on flights, hotels, car rentals and other travel services. All features are available with a free 7-day trial. Be sure to check the website and use the special promo code to get 10% discount of WayAwayPlus.

Super Travel

Find a variety of accommodation at prices that fit your budget.

Get 30 to 50% off 200,000+ hotels with exclusive pricing


With Airalo's eSIMs, travelers can access the Internet from virtually any country on the planet and don't have to pay excessive roaming charges. A wide range of eSIMs are available for different countries and regions. The eSIM can be activated either immediately after installation or upon arrival at the traveler’s destination.


Cooperates only with local national car rental companies, which allows them to provide the best products on the market, despite small geographical coverage.

As seen on Instagram

Explore our exclusive offers, just like the ones you've seen on Instagram. For a personalized budget tailored to your dream vacation, reach out to us today.

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Prices may vary based on customer preferences, travel dates, and availability. We strive to provide accurate and competitive pricing, but please note that prices are subject to change. Contact us for personalized pricing and to discuss your specific travel needs.

Limited Offer

Discover our ever-changing collection of limited-time travel deals and promotions. Don’t miss out on these incredible opportunities. Embark on your dream journey!


September Vacation

1.405€ per person 5* Hotel ALL INCLUSIVE + Flight + Transfer & Insurance

Unveil the Magic of Mexico with this limited offer


Unveil the Magic of Mexico with this limited offer 〰️